
Woop Woop, Never Never, Outback. Different names for the same thing, the vast rolling central desert.
This serie of about 50 pictures is dedicated to these scenic landscapes of inland Australia and the Top End in the Northern Territories.
The tour starts in the heart, at Ayers Rock, or Uluru as the aboriginals call the site. The monolite is to be seen when the sun rises and during pouring rains. Not far from Uluru are the MacDonnels, a mountain range with some great rocky structures being it Angkale or Ormiston. Further north, up to the Top End I passed the enormous boulders of the Devils Marbles and small settlements like Barrow Creek.
Suddenly the desert makes room for billabongs in between tropical vegetation. This is Kakadu National Park. A highlight of my visit.
Here too is Arnhemland, an aboriginal area where I visited the village of Oenpelli. Here I had the opportunity to see some of the ancient aboriginal culture.
Well, I hope you enjoy the red center & the top end. You can navigate by clicking the names on the left or click on any photo to get to the next in line.