
Just ten kilometers from the shoreline, the Côte d'Azur is still anothger world.
Worlds however get more connected than they used to be. so for the quiet areas you have to get inland for over 20 kilometers.
Here are villages and towns perched on hilltops, with historic centers and filled with stoney alleys, artwork and kitsch.
I liked the town of Vence, spatial in a way, but warm intimite on the other hand.
Here is a small chapel by Henri Matisse that's worth visiting.
Saint Paul de Vence is famous because of the museum of the Fondation Maeght. I made a series of photos here coveringmy kids and different artwork.
Also here in my special are two destinations that are not in Côte d'Azur area, but somewhat more to the north in the province of the Alpes de Haute Provence.
These being the ammonites near Digne les Bains and the Rhônebankstown of Sisteron.
You can navigate by clicking about any object in the site. Just clicking any photo will get you to the next one in line. I hope you enjoy.