
The capital of China is a fascinating city.
Beijing has marvellous sites like Gugong, the Forbidden City, Yiheyuan, the Summerpalace and Tiantan, the Temple of Heaven.
On Gugong and Tiantan I've made specicific series with about 90 photos.
Biking through Beijing is great because of the variety of places and people you meet.
Still Beijing has got its hutongs, the older neighbourhoods.
But many of them are demolished already to give the new era the space needed.
Considering the upcoming Olympics it is wise to visit Beijing soon to get a glimpse of what was.
A look into the near future may be seen in my series on Soho, the upcoming new downtown area and Sa Na Wei La villapark, that mixes Chinese backgrounds and American ideas.
You can navigate by clicking about any object in the site. Just clicking any photo will get you to the next one in line. I hope you enjoy. Let me know.